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Mathematics Tutoring in English

Mathematics Tutoring in English is aimed on international students and on Czech students who study Maths in English language at foreign secondary / high schools or at foreign universities, as well as at English gymnasiums (at English lyceums) or at bachelor programmes in Czech republic.

Online tutoring of Mathematics in English, not only in Prague, can be managed as a long-term tuition on regular dates or as an intensive consultation always before any important school Math test or before the final exam in Mathematics.

Individual Tuition for 100%

Maths in English via Skype for all those study in English language, does not depend whether at elementary school, secondary / high school or at university at any age and levels. The most tailored lessons according to your needs and preferences are fully online with the aim of improving your level and grades in Mathematics.

Entrance Exams Preparation

Individual Maths tutoring in English aims to prepare pupils for entrance exams to English lyceums or to English gymnasiums based on the required knowledge of applicants at the specific school. Lessons are based on the official past entrance exam at each school.

Final Exam Preparation

From 2014, I have been preparing students for their final international Mathematics exams in English language at all levels, to IGCSE / GCSE, GED or IB. Let's achieve your higher grade together!

Regular Mathematics Tutoring in English

Regular Mathematic Lessons in English language via Skype is for students, who want to exercise their school Maths and also want to improve their level of Mathematic skills. For this group of students, there is usually not any important final examination so regular lessons in the length of 45 or 60 mins are enough for them. In the case of necessity, before the last school test, arranging some extra sessions is possible.

Through the online lessons in Mathematics, the stress is on a logical working out, an application in real cases and also active student cooperation in approaches. The tempo of lessons is fitted to the level and needs of each student. During individual meetings, all student's questions are answered on the explanatory topic.

Mathematics in English for Foreigners

Foreigners, who study Mathematics in English, use the lessons in two ways. The first way is, in this case, they want to transfer from a foreign high school / university to a Czech high school / university in Czech Republic. Lessons are their preparation for the transfer examination and also supplementing their knowledge gaps.

The second group consists of International students - Czech students studying in English or foreigners who have lived in Czech Republic for a longer time and who are attending any educational programme in English - high school or university. For them, there are the following possible forms of Mathematics tutoring in English.

Mathematics Entrance Examination

The youngest group of my students, who attend Math lessons in English via Skype, consists of pupils that want to be prepared for the entrance exam to any English gymnasium, e.g. to ECP, PBIS, Riverside School, PORG etc.

Through the preparation for the entrance examination is an effort to develop logical working out and application Math solutions in real life cases. The student is led to estimate his / her rightness of the obtained result and make a discussion about it.

During the preparation is making overview of decimal numbers, percentages and fractions (basic operation, unit transfers, number line, word tasks), graphs of linear functions and their applications in word problems, basic shapes and prisms (logic of formulae, similarity in real cases, word tasks) and also basics of algebra (sign operations).

The length of preparation for the Mathematical Entrance Test is individual, some pupils attend lessons through 3 months with intensive frequency or some of them prefer a longer term in preparation - about one year before the exam with a frequency once or twice a week.

Tutoring in Mathematics in English - Math School Tests

With tutoring in Mathematics in English students can exercise with the tutor to their school tests, in two ways; in an intensive form or a regular form of sessions. In both cases, lessons are focused on exact required knowledge for the next test and its deep revision, if necessary to more exercising, HW is given.

Some students prefer the intensive form of lessons, usually a few days or weeks before the announced test. If they want to attend lessons only a few days before the test, the meetings will be arranged quite intensively, usually every day. If there are a few weeks before the test, the frequency of meetings will be planned about twice or three times a week till the date of the examination.

Others prefer to meet on a regular date every week and prepare for their exams regularly.

International Final Examination in Mathematics - IGCSE / GCSE Mathematics

IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is short for the internationally recognized school-leaving examination in Mathematics under auspices of the University in Cambridge (Great Britain), with more than 30-years-long tradition. This final exam is for students at the age between 14 to 16, it means in the 11th year of study. The examination is really popular for its international recognition for better professional careers, because it guarantees an accurate level of education.

IGCSE in Mathematics is possible to take at more levels, e.g. Standard Level, Higher Level, Edexcel Level. During the Mathematical tutoring in English, the experienced lecteur prepares students for all levels. Official Cambridge textbooks, school working sheets and also official Past Papers are used for the overview during the lessons.

Most students are preparing for their IGCSE Mathematics through 1 - 1.5 year at regular meetings (the preparation is usually at the last year of study, in the Year 11, or even from the second half of the Year 10).

American School-Leaving Examination in Mathematics - GED Maths

The General Education Development in Mathematics, short GED Maths, is the American type of final exam, which is valid in the United States and in Canada, not in Europe. So this is the examination for students who want to study in America at any university.

GED Mathematics contains a type of questions, where students choose one of the given options. There are, of course, used American types of units of volume, length, area, that is the biggest difference for European students. The examination consists of four parts (basics of Mathematical knowledge, geometry, algebra and functions). During the Maths tutoring in English are used past tests that base the following exercising and revision.

International Baccalaureate Certificate in Mathematics - Mathematics IB

International Baccalaureate Mathematics (IB Maths) is the European valid certificate of 2-year-long Diploma Programme (DP) preparing students for following university studies.

Successful graduation declares advanced knowledge in Mathematics that aims to analyze problems, presentate information, make arguments, logical solutions and creative results.

Through the Mathematics tutoring in English for IB Maths, all required topics by the official syllabus are explained and also on the base of the official IB Mathematics Past Papers, typical test's examples are exercised. Every lesson is fully individual, so that is why the tempo of lessons is maximally tailored to each student by his / her preferences and actual skills.

IB Maths Tuition runs for both required levels - IB Mathematics Standard AA or AI and IB Mathematics Higher Level AA or AI. (Since 2020, the transformation of IB levels has been in progress, from origin 4 levels to current 2 levels.)

European Interview - EPSO Mathematical and Logical Part

For applicants, who are interested in any working position in institutions of the European Union, the preparation is intended for the EPSO interview (European Personnel Selection Office), in which there are numerical and logical parts.

During the first turn of a tender, called CBT (Computer - Based Testing), the applicant solves the Mathematical test that is mostly focused on Numerical Reasoning, it is working with percentages, data processing and their logical analyzing and making a conclusion. The preparation for the test is based on official textbooks and the explanation is on the typical examples which appear in the EPSO test.

The preparation for the Abstract Reasoning is managed in a similar way. The Abstract Reasoning is in fact a logical testing, where the applicant needs to recognize the rhythm, the rotation and other logical relation in a row of pictures.

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